Unbox and assemble the stand according to the following video:
At the front of the machine setup the take up system on the brackets provided such that during long prints the output can be rolled back onto an empty vinyl core.
At the back of the machine setup the media holders on the brackets provided. On either side of the media holder there is a tension adjuster. Adjust in such a way that the tension on the left and right holder is more or less the same otherwise the material to be printed on might feed skew.
Mount the external drying system which is a combination of an adjustable heater and a fan. A platform is provided for the bulk ink system to sit at the back of the machine. Mount it as in the video since putting it lower or higher will have direct effect on the ink feeding pressure. The printhead in question is an Epson XP600 consisting of 6 channels. You can optionally use 4 tanks (CMYK) given you have 2 Y connectors to split the Cyan and Magenta into 2 each. Otherwise use 6 tanks (CCMMYK) and connect the ink pipes and filters provided. For convenience purposes the pipes are colour coded at the front and back.
Loosen the metal plate used to secure the carriage during shipping. Remove the 2 covers that house the carriage board and the printhead. Just for the sake of neatness remove the spare ink pipes and the 2 water pipes used on UV printing and secure them safely under the carriage board. Taking maximum precaution connect the printhead as on the video (Feel free to consult the AM.CO.ZA Technical Team on 076 666 6655 for any questions or assistance as mistakes can be costly). Setup 6 dampers making sure the nuts and o-rings are tight and secure to eliminate any air flow into the dampers during use. Once completed ink can then be poured into the tanks to not more than 50% capacity.
Proceed and use a syringe to gently pull ink into the dampers and place them in the order KYCMCM. If using Y connectors fold the right hand pipe such that its air tight then pull ink into the left hand damper. Once done repeat the process to pull ink into the right hand damper whilst folding the left hand pipe. Once again take extreme care to connect the head onto the carriage board taking note of the Up and Down markings on the connector. Making a mistake of reversing the cables will damage the printhead.
Power on the machine and do a manual pump until you see ink going into the waste bottle. This is done via the maintenance menu. Proceed to do a clean nozzle followed by a nozzle test. We expect to see 6 blocks in the order KYCCMM which confirms a successful printer setup.